Thursday, July 26, 2012


I have been wanting to write about this for quite some time... :) considering it’s the most discussed topic among people.
So now for my own thoughts about this obscure topic... :)
First of all what is love?? Is it a feeling? An emotion maybe?? Or like science believes a chemical reaction?
I personally don not like the definition of love given by science. :) I am such an incurable romantic that to bring in scientific evidences kills the joy for me. :) So then what is love??
·         Is it the sound of some ones name??
·         Is it when your heart skips a beat at the thought of that person?
·         Is it when you curl up on the bed staring out of the window on a rainy day with a certain person in your thoughts??
·         Is it when you are reading a novel and you substitute a favourite character for him??
·         Is it the excitement you feel when he SMSes you?
·         Or the happiness when you see his name flashing on the screen of your mobile “calling”.
·         Or maybe when he likes a picture of you on Facebook??
·         Or is it when we share a similar wavelength??
·         Or is it love when we have the opposite personalities that there is a magnetic attraction?
·         Or when we start interpreting all the little things they say to have some deeper significance??
·         Or is it when he is helping you with a project and your hands accidentally brush and u feel the ‘electricity’J
·         He passes by you with his friends and still stops to say hi without caring about what others think.
·         Is it love when you go to that person and tell them about how bad your day was and they will listen to you without judging you?
·         Is it love when we eagerly wait to meet after months together??
I can continue listing numerous things... but then to conclude to me love is when I can feel him when the wind blows by me... It is when I feel like I am safely wrapped up in his arms and there is not a worry in this world. It is when we can complete each other’s thoughts...
And all these thoughts become more important to me when I am still hesitant to tell him how I feel... :)
Tthis is not strictly related to my blog title but life did teach me what love was.. rather it is still teaching me..:)

On a rainy evening....

Today after  a long time Bangalore was blessed with some rain. It poured like never before.. and as usual most of us are not equipped with all the necessary gadgets to protect ourselves..:).therefore i took shelter near a bus stand trying all the while to not get my books wet..:P.It was only then that i noticed a cobbler's shop next to the bus shelter. The cobbler was inside his small makeshift shop contentedly working on repairing some shoes. By then the rain Gods probably felt sorry for my city  and sent down some more rain so that all of us can have enough of it..and the roads were flooded.. It was in this setting that i learnt a new lesson.. an old man bent with age was pulling along a wheel barrow on the streets dragging his feet as one of the old shoes he was wearing had come off.. and as we all stood protected from the rain watching this man struggle.. i noticed movement beside me and in an instant the cobbler was on the road and he stopped the old man and got him to the shop.He then set about repairing the old mans shoes not witholding his protests that he did not have any money to pay him. To which the cobbler answered"you do not have to pay me anything.but if you continue to walk around like this you will hurt yourself and then where will you bring money for treatment?"

The thoughtfulness and the generosity of the young man astounded me. We call these people poor and uneducated!! honestly makes me wonder if it is us who is poor for the lack of values in our lives.
In a world where people think twice before they take soemone dying to the doctor because it costs money.. this young man was willing to help a stranger.!The experience was somewhat encriching and i decided not to haggle over the price of the repairs..:)

The rains stopped and I came home with another gem of a lesson.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What a child taught me..

Life is very funny. It likes teaching you things at unexpected times.This was one such anecdote i want to relate.
My nephew of seven had come home once. There was construction going on onthe opposite site and he'd made friends with the laborers children.

My sister, i.e his mother disapproved of him making friends with the children and she was cross that he used to return home covered in dust eveyday evening. 
So she questioned him as to why he needs to play with those children. Maybe she did not phrase it properly.. but i'll quote her "Those children are so dirty and they are so differnt from us!! i do not want you playing with them anymore"!
 My nephew ever the thoughtful one did not do anything you expect children of that age to do.. (cry plead argue, throw tantrum).
Instead he simply looked at his mother and asked her one question..." Why amma?? How can they be differnt from us?They are humans too."
My sister was speechless and my adoration and respect for this little guy grew.

This little incident made me realise how much we tend to look down on people without realising someone else maybe looking down upon us.

Rightly, some wise person has said "Never look down upon anyone unless it is to help that person up."

Why is it that we set so much aside by status, money,occupation? Why can't we just see humans instead of labelling each individual?